Blackjack Book
You have learned how to play and win at blackjack and now you can find out how to become a truly professional player. Albert Einstein once said that the best way to teach somebody is to show them an example therefore we are showing you examples of the best blackjack players. Most of them have already published books on how to be a blackjack winner and how to improve your game. Here we provide the list of best books on blackjack.
A Web-based Blackjack book by Norman Wattenberger Testing the concept that a picture is worth a pile of words, this online book takes a look at Blackjack and Card Counting using 145 charts. Simple concepts through advanced techniques are examined. The book won't teach you a Blackjack 'system.' Professional Blackjack. By Stanford Wong. 1994 (first edition in 1975) One of the best blackjack.
Professional Blackjack
by Stanford Wong
1994 (first edition in 1975)
One of the best blackjack players of all time tells his view of Professional blackjack. The system he offers is considered to be one of the strongest ones not only because it was written by himself, but also because it is one of the simplest.
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Theory of Blackjack
by Peter A. Griffin
1999 (first edition - 1979)
One of the first books a professional gambler should buy. This book tells a lot about card counting and is one of the best tools in understanding the mathematics of blackjack. You will find not only examples and explanations of the math's of blackjack, but also understand how this or that method is better.
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Beat the Dealer
Best Blackjack Books
by Edward O. Thorp
1966 (first edition in 1961)
If you are ready to be a professional card-counter this blackjack book should be your Gambling guide. For those who already practice counting this book may be a great reference because this is the one that started card-counting.
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Million Dollar Blackjack

by Ken Uston
1992 (first edition in 1981)
This book is for all at the same time, a fun read for professionals, historical references for card-counters and instructions for those who have just started playing the game. This is an interesting blackjack book for all players regardless of how experienced they are.
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Blackbelt in Blackjack: Playing 21 As a Martial Art
by Arnold Snyder
A wonderful tutorial for all blackjack beginners, however it might be a bit too old for modern players and modern casinos. You will find out a lot about basic card-counting methods and also shuffle tracking, the technique that is more difficult than card-counting and gives a slightly bigger edge.
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Bringing Down The House : The Inside Story of Six M.I.T. Students Who Took Vegas for Millions
by Ben Mezrich
Find out the real story of the MIT students who learnt how to really win big at blackjack, and how they really brought down the house by winning lots and lots of money from Las Vegas casinos. Discover what it's like to be a big winner at blackjack by real winners! This book may also be interesting for those who saw or heard about the movie '21'.
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Blackjack Book Strategy
To find out more about blackjack you are welcome to read about one of the newest variations of the game Blackjack Tournaments.